You may know that churches are required to create and maintain a list of members, known as the Electoral Roll. Entry on the Roll allows members to vote in the Annual Church Meetings, become members of the Chaplaincy Church Council.

Every six years, all parishes/chaplaincies are required to revise their Electoral Rolls in their entirety, which means that all previous versions are set aside and we begin again. Revision in accordance with The Church Representation Rules takes place this year, with the new Electoral Roll to be presented at the Annual Church Meeting in May.
If you wish to be included  on the new Roll, 
you can download the application form for the Chaplaincy Electoral Roll.
Once you have downloaded it and filled it, please return it to the churchwarden's mailbox, or via our website.

Application For Electoral Roll Clean As From AHS 101025 1349 002 1 Docx
Word – 58.8 KB 53 téléchargements



We are an Anglican church serving the South-West of France and are part of the Anglican Diocese in Europe.

We have two worship centres, St Andrew’s in the city of Pau, which meets every Sunday morning at 10.45 for a service of Holy Communion, and also in the village of Mazères in the Southern Gers at 11.15 every second Sunday in the month. 

We welcome children to our services and run a Sunday Club in Pau. 

We further hold a weekly Bible Study by Zoom and a monthly house group in Pallanne, near Marciac. 

We worship in English within the Anglican tradition, but Christians of all denominations and backgrounds are very welcome.  

Our congregation comprises English speaking expatriates and permanent residents from many countries, and French people from Pau and surrounding areas. 

St Andrew’s is a welcoming and lively place for all ages and backgrounds. Coffee and biscuits are served after the service in both worship centres.

Notre église anglicane officie dans le Sud-Ouest de la France et fait partie du Diocèse anglican d'Europe. 
Nous avons deux lieux de prières, l'un St Andrew's dans la ville de Pau, dont le service eucharistique du Dimanche se tient à 10h45, et l'autre dans le village de Mazères, dans le sud du Gers, à 11h15 chaque second dimanche du mois. 
Les enfants sont les bienvenus à la messe, et un Sunday Club (catéchisme) est organisé dans l'église. 
Nous tenons aussi des cours d'études bibliques via l'application Zoom, et un groupe de paroles à Pallanne, près de Marciac. 
Nous tenons à la tradition Anglicane, la messe est dite en langue anglaise, mais les Chrétiens de toutes dénominations sont les bienvenus chez nous. 
Notre congrégation est une grande famille qui rassemble aussi bien des expatriés et résidents britanniques de divers pays, et des habitants français de Pau et des environs. 
Saint André est un endroit accueillant et chaleureux pour tous, d'où qu'ils viennent. 
Un café convivial vous sera offert après la messe dans chacun des deux lieux de prières.